May 31Liked by Julien Hurault

Note: Nessie is an open source project. But it is not an "Apache" project.

So, we should mention it as "Nessie" instead of "Apache Nessie" in all the places.

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Very interesting introduction to Apache Iceberg, thank you for this!

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Jun 6Liked by Julien Hurault

Thanks for the shout out!

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May 31Liked by Julien Hurault

And after this article, if you guys decide to use the Apache Iceberg,

Checkout my blog on "How not to use Apache Iceberg"


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Amazing article! Lot of depth. Is choosing between Apache Iceberg format or a delta table format depends on whether we use Databricks or Snowflake? Or, are there other factors to consider when laying down the architecture foundations? Might be a stupid question but I am just getting started on these formats.

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> For example, Snowflake can only read from an external catalog, and an external catalog can only read from a Snowflake catalog.

Did you mean: For example, Snowflake (engine) can only read from an external catalog, and an external engine can only read from a Snowflake catalog.

Great way to explain Iceberg, going to use this in my work!

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